
Creating Sacred Water: A Guide for Umbanda, Palo, and Spiritualism Practitioners


In the diverse world of spiritual practices, sacred water holds a special place, particularly in Umbanda, Palo, and some other Spiritualism traditions like Catimbó, Kardecism. These paths, though unique, share a common thread in their use of holy water for purification, protection, and blessings. This guide delves into the syncretic nature of holy water across these faiths, offering insights and steps to create your own sacred water, infused with the essence of these rich traditions.


8 Step for Production of Holy Water

  1. Blessing the Salt: The journey begins with the consecration of salt, a key component in the creation of holy water. Salt not only preserves but also purifies, setting the foundation for what is to become a powerful spiritual tool. The blessing can be performed with an invocation, calling upon the divine for purification and aid.
  2. Reciting Psalms: In keeping with the tradition of spiritual recitations, reading Psalm 103 aloud infuses the process with divine energy. This Psalm, with its themes of forgiveness, healing, and mercy, aligns perfectly with the intent of creating sacred water.
  3. Collecting Natural Water: The purity of the water is crucial. Natural sources like lakes, rivers, or streams are preferred, embodying the essence of the earth. If sourced from nature, ensure it’s filtered for clarity. This step connects us to the natural world, an essential aspect of Umbanda, Palo, and Vodou.
  4. Merging Salt and Water: As you blend the blessed salt with the natural water, recite words of exorcism and purification. This ritualistic step is about transforming the physical elements into a spiritual concoction, capable of warding off negativity and inviting purity.
  5. Catholic Prayers: Though Umbanda, Palo, and others are distinct from Catholicism, they often incorporate elements from it due to historical syncretism. Including Catholic prayers in the process is a nod to this intertwined history, enriching the sacred water with a layer of spiritual depth.
  6. Exorcising the Water: This step is about further purifying the water, cleansing it of any malevolent energies or entities. The exorcism prayer is a powerful tool in this transformation, turning ordinary water into a spiritual shield.
  7. Concluding the Ritual: The final step involves a closing prayer as the last of the salt dissolves in the water. This seals the sanctification process, ensuring that the holy water is now a potent blend of divine favor and earthly essence.
  8. Using Your Holy Water: Depending on your intent, you may add additional elements like chrism for baptism or a blend of ash, wine, and salt for more specific rites. This holy water can be used in various ways, from protection to purification in both spiritual and physical spaces.

An Alternative based on „Pagan“ Holy Water

  1. Water Selection: The type of water you choose carries significance. Morning dew for healing, spring water for blessing, rainwater for abundance, and seawater for exorcism align with different intentions.
  2. Silver Addition: Placing a silver object in the water is not just symbolic but also imparts the water with the metal’s purifying properties.
  3. Chanting Sacred Spells: Depending on your purpose, select and chant spells that resonate with your intention, whether it’s for cleansing, protection, or blessing.
  4. Herbal Infusions: Adding herbs like St. John’s Wort, vervain, or rose petals can tailor the holy water to specific needs, be it blessing a space or healing a person.

Tips for Crafting Sacred Water

  • Choose natural salts like kosher or sea salt for their purity and spiritual properties.
  • Focus and intention are paramount during the process; a deep spiritual connection enhances the potency of the holy water.
  • Ordained priests in these traditions can lend their blessings to water and other substances, further elevating their sacredness.

Essentials for Sacred Water Creation

  • For Catholic-style Holy Water: Natural water, salt, a container for both, and a Bible.
  • For Pagan-style Holy Water: Natural water, salt, a non-metallic container, a small piece of silver, and optional herbs.


oThis guide intertwines the practices of Umbanda, Palo, Catimbó and similar traditions with elements of Catholicism, reflecting the rich tapestry of syncretism in these traditions. Creating holy water in this manner not only connects practitioners to their spiritual roots but also to a broader history of religious evolution and adaptation. Whether used for protection, purification, or blessing, this sacred water carries the essence of these profound and interconnected paths.

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