
The Magical Powers of Anointing Oils in African Traditions


Throughout Africa’s rich and diverse cultures, anointing oils have played a vital role in spiritual practices for centuries.These potent concoctions, often infused with herbs, flowers, and other symbolic ingredients, are believed to possess a unique energy that can be used for various purposes.


Anointing oils serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. When applied to the body, they are thought to create a connection with the divine, channeling specific energies or blessings. The act of anointing itself can be a sacred ritual, performed with focused intention and prayer.


The specific uses of anointing oils vary depending on the tradition. Here are some common applications:

  • Healing: Certain oils may be used to promote physical healing, soothe ailments, or reduce inflammation.
  • Protection: Oils can be applied to create a protective shield against negative energies or harmful influences.
  • Prosperity: Some oils are used to attract good fortune, success, and abundance.
  • Love: Love and attraction spells often incorporate anointing oils to enhance emotional connection.
  • Divination: Oils can be used to prepare sacred tools or spaces for divination practices, aiding communication with the spirit world.


The ingredients used in anointing oils hold deep symbolic meaning. Specific herbs, flowers, and other elements are chosen for their properties and associations. For example, rosemary might be included for its connection to memory and focus,while lavender could represent peace and tranquility.


About Vodou and Anointing Oils

In Vodou, a spiritual practice with roots in West Africa, anointing oils continue to be a powerful tool.

Perfumes and oils have played a significant role in the magic and rituals of Voodoo traditions. The use of special oils among early Africans, Haitians, and African Americans has been known and accepted for many years. Certain perfumed oils were believed to produce visions and allow Voodoo practitioners to communicate with the supernatural world.

Often, states of ecstasy were achieved simply by ceremoniously anointing the head and body with specific types of oil. Voodoo practitioners were known to achieve desired effects ahead of the natural timeline, thanks to the application of secret oils. It is believed that the hidden instructions for creating many of these special anointing oils were revealed by the gods in the dark regions of Africa and Haiti. For centuries, only Voodoo priests or priestesses were authorized to prepare these holy oils. Even today, the secrets are kept with great secrecy and passed down from family to family or through Voodoo leaders. Only those initiated into Voodoo are capable of safely using these oils.

Here is a detailed guide to various types of perfumed Voodoo oils and their numerous applications.

189 Ingredients to use for formulating anointing oils: A guide for Voodoo (Vodou) perfumed oils

  1. Blessed Oil: Used to bless a room and anoint candles before they are used in Voodoo rituals. It also purifies the soul of each Voodoo practitioner who rubs their body with it.
  2. Hi-Altar Burning Oil: Used to anoint heads during Voodoo baptismal ceremonies. By smearing the altar and candles with this powerful oil, good spirits are attracted.
  3. Very Conquering Burning Oil: An extremely effective oil used to gain financial profits, lovers, social elevation, and good health. One of the best oils for successfully accomplishing something.
  4. Cleo May Oil: A special oil for gambling enthusiasts. It is said to bring good luck. It also makes someone of the opposite sex desire you passionately.
  5. Compulsory Oil: Another special Voodoo oil used to compel others to do our will. It brings all people under our control and also enhances sexuality.
  6. Controlling Oil: Allows the user to dominate others, especially those of the opposite sex. It also helps maintain equanimity in all situations. Effective for preventing a lover from becoming fickle. Rub your body with it while you sleep.
  7. Crossing Oil: A powerful conjuring oil used to cast harmful curses on an enemy. Use with great caution.
  8. Acacia Oil: Provides special intuitive powers. A very powerful perfumed oil for psychic development. It is said to be extremely magnetic. Also purifies the altar.
  9. Wormwood Oil: Used solely to cast very harmful curses on those intensely disliked and wished to be severely punished.
  10. Apricot Oil: Produces sensuality in all those who anoint themselves with it. It is a Voodoo aphrodisiac.
  11. Camphor Oil: Used to rub candles before a ritual; it makes each type of candle more potent. Also excellent for gaining strength if you rub your body with it.
  12. Amber Oil: Attracts beautiful loving companions and awakens feelings of sympathy in the people around us. Gives special power over others‘ thoughts.
  13. Grey Amber Oil: A powerful Voodoo attraction oil that draws others. Increases sexual vigor and desire.
  14. Anise Oil: Brings good luck to those who practice gambling. Also used to bathe and anoint participants during Voodoo rituals. Procures clairvoyance.
  15. Black Art Oil: A special oil for harmful curses to cast the evil eye on rivals. Use with extreme caution.
  16. Saffron Oil: Rub the entire body, especially the head, to achieve more clairvoyant power.
  17. Balsam of Peru Oil: Used mainly to cast a spell against a powerful enemy. Breaks curses and imposes one’s will on others. A source of Voodoo energy and strength.
  18. Fish Berry Oil: After anointing the entire body with it, ingest a few drops as an aphrodisiac.
  19. Benzoin Oil: Purifies the soul of the user. Makes a woman appear charming to all who behold her. Used to anoint the hands and head of all Voodoo practitioners participating in a ceremony.
  20. Bergamot Oil: Used to safeguard someone and protect them from all danger and misfortune. Anoint the head with this special oil during initiation rituals.
  21. Cactus Oil: A powerful conjuring oil when rubbed on a Voodoo doll. Can cast a curse against the strongest enemy. Also excellent for washing candles before they are used in a ritual.
  22. Calamus Oil: A potent controlling oil that can compel others to think like you. Changes mindsets.
  23. Cinnamon Oil: Used to anoint the head and bless the rooms where Voodoo ceremonies are held. Brings good luck. Can also be added to cleaning waters to give them greater cleansing power.
  24. Red Reed Oil: Ingest with a few drops of Black Hawk Oil at each moon change. Acts as a contraceptive.
  25. Cassia Oil: Makes dreams prophetic when rubbed before going to bed at night.
  26. Flowering Cherry Oil: Helps overcome feelings of inferiority and guilt. Attracts new friends and provides renewed strength and vigor. Very magnetic and effective.
  27. Citron Oil: An attractive oil. Add to floor washing water. It is said to attract new customers if used in a business or friends if used at home.
  28. Cypress Oil: Brings good luck to all who use it. A powerful stimulant for obtaining good financial gains. Also has therapeutic effects.
  29. Civet Oil: A protective oil when hands are rubbed with it. Helps spiritual clarity when feet are rubbed.
  30. Clove Oil: Another aphrodisiac. Anoint the area behind the ears and under the left arm to seduce the desired person.
  31. Cleopatra Oil: An oil only for lovers. Incites the person secretly desired. Excites and compels those loved to come and please.
  32. Cologne Oil: Spray on suitcases before embarking on a trip as a protective measure. Drives away evil spirits.
  33. Coriander Oil: Pour a few drops into wine and drink with someone desired. An aphrodisiac.
  34. Cyprus Oil: Rub hands with it before gambling. Guaranteed gain. Also produces other financial benefits.
  35. Damiana Oil: An aphrodisiac.
  36. Red Storax Oil: Erases feelings of hatred.
  37. Eucalyptus Oil: Believed to heal physical wounds and extreme mental anguish. Protects while sleeping.
  38. Special Favors Oil: Always used to bless an altar or a room where benevolent spirits are needed. Rub hands for more luck. Always gives good results.
  39. Galangal Oil: Helps win court cases and avoid legal difficulties. Spray on shoes.
  40. Galbanum Oil: A special preparation used to anoint candles before beginning a Voodoo ceremony. Can also be used to wash the head and purify during initiation rites.
  41. Gardenia Oil: A protective oil that prevents others from sowing discord in one’s love life or marriage.
  42. Jungle Gardenia Oil: Attracts lovers and initiates new friendships. Use sparingly, as it is very potent. Keeps friends.
  43. Geranium Oil: Used mainly for baths and anointings in initiation rituals. Said to attract good spirits and make a person more fortunate than ever.
  44. Tonka Bean Oil: A very healing oil. Brings good fortune.
  45. Heliotrope Oil: An oil for developing psychic powers. Wonderful to use before conducting a Voodoo ceremony. Makes one more clairvoyant and helps communicate with spirits.
  46. Grass Oil: Believed to drive away evil forces from the user. Destroys curses when used properly.
  47. Five-Finger Grass Oil: Add to floor washing water and clean the floor. Said to ward off the evil eye and curses.
  48. Love Herbs Oil: Similar effect to Lovage Oil.
  49. Hyssop Oil: An excellent oil for lovers, as it makes them more faithful to each other. Used to increase financial gains and make friends more easily.
  50. Sincere Incense Oil: Spray around an altar when invoking special blessings from spirits.
  51. Isis Oil: Develops wild passion in the user. A stimulating sexual perfume. Very popular among married people who have lost interest in love. Guarantees the achievement of great wealth and sexual pleasures.
  52. Hyacinth Oil: Brings peace of mind to those who are exhausted and cannot sleep. Simply anoint the head. Also attracts love and luck. Excellent for blessing rooms where Voodoo rituals will be performed. Use as floor washing water.
  53. Jasper Oil: Helps remove a curse cast on a friend by an enemy. Very potent. Use with great care.
  54. Flowering Ginger Oil: An oil for erasing animal passion in a person in love. Also believed to attract new friendships strongly. Use regularly.
  55. Jezebel Oil: A special oil used by women to attract any man. Makes men do whatever they please.
  56. Lavender Oil: A special mixture that provides complete peace of mind. A potent aid for invoking spirits.
  57. Lovage Oil: Increases personal magnetism and makes one much more attractive from a sensual point of view. An attraction oil.
  58. French Lilac Oil: Used solely to ward off evil spirits and to exorcise those who have been cursed.
  59. Linaloe Oil: A potent healing oil. Said to cure madness and various nervous diseases.
  60. Florentine Lily Oil: A potent love oil that always attracts people of the opposite sex. Use sparingly.
  61. Lily of the Valley Oil: Eliminates others‘ tantrums. Provides peace of mind.
  62. Turkish Lily Oil: Wonderful for eliminating financial problems. Attracts success.
  63. Sandalwood Oil: A healing oil used to overcome illnesses. Very potent. Especially good for bruises.
  64. Magnolia Oil: Use to anoint the head during meditation periods. Helps the individual’s psychic development.
  65. Apple Blossom Oil: Rub the entire body with it to attract the spirit and achieve general happiness.
  66. Nasturtium Oil: Rub the body and bless candles with this oil when invoking evil spirits and casting a curse.
  67. Peppermint Oil: Eliminates curses.
  68. Menthol Oil: Use to communicate with the dead.
  69. Mama Honey Oil: Secures new businesses for the user. Also sharpens the mind and develops intuition. Commonly used by prostitutes to gain more clients.
  70. Jack Mama Honey Oil: Same as Mama Honey Oil.
  71. Myrrh Oil: A powerful aid for keeping evil spirits away and breaking curses. Very used to protect friends.
  72. Myrtle Oil: Rub the body with it to increase sensuality.
  73. Orange Blossom Oil: Attracts proposals from loved ones and even strangers one feels inclined towards. Makes one think of marriage above all else.
  74. Narcissus Oil: Rub the head, hands, and especially the headboard of the bed to obtain peaceful sleep. Eliminates fatigue.
  75. Narcissus Oil: Same as Narcissus Oil.
  76. Neroli Oil: A special oil for women who wish to increase their „sex appeal.“ Rub the arms and legs.
  77. Nutmeg Oil: A great destroyer of harmful curses. Brings the best luck to all who use it. Use sparingly.
  78. Frankincense Oil: Cures the sickening effects of any curse. Very popular against the evil eye. Spray on door and window frames to keep evil spirits away.
  79. Elm Oil: A perfumed oil that brings good luck.
  80. Palm Oil: Calms nerves and soothes emotional disturbances.
  81. Arabian Perfume Oil: A special Voodoo oil indicated for purifying the spirit before calling on good spirits. Also protects against curses.
  82. Fish Oil: Same as Fish Berry Oil. A very potent aphrodisiac and very popular among Voodoo practitioners.
  83. Pine Oil: A powerful oil for casting the evil eye when used with black candles and certain special incenses.
  84. Dragon’s Blood Oil: Use solely to exorcise an enemy cursed with a curse. Works best at midnight in a cemetery.
  85. Cumin Seed Oil: Spread around the house to attract peace and harmony. Always gives good results.
  86. Snake Oil: Rub hands with it before going to court. Helps win the most difficult cases.
  87. Sesame Oil: Stops evil spirits. Breaks curses. Helps overcome illness and poverty.
  88. Sumbul Oil: A special protective oil. Use sparingly.
  89. All-Spice Oil: A perfumed oil believed to increase the willpower of Voodoo practitioners who use it. Rub the entire body with it, especially the feet and navel.
  90. Trefoil Oil: A special oil for good luck in almost all things. Anoint the head before beginning a Voodoo ceremony.
  91. Anointing Oil: Generally used to bless candles before using them in a ceremony. Said to magnetize candles or give them more hidden strength. Also used to clean an altar or ceremony room.
  92. Attraction Oil: Attracts lovers and should always be used when wishing to find the ideal partner. Brings luck in all areas of life when shoes are sprayed with it.
  93. Confusion Oil: Breaks an enemy’s curse by totally confusing them. Acts almost immediately.
  94. French Creole Oil: A special oil indicated for making dreams come true. Helps interpret them prophetically.
  95. Madness Oil: Brings good luck and success to the user and can also drive others mad.
  96. Wonder of the World Oil: Rub the body with it for very favorable luck. Also said to cure mental illnesses.
  97. Meditation Oil: Wonderful for spreading on the altar and floor immediately before meditation. A strong stimulant of the spirit.
  98. Passion Oil: Awakens passion in those one likes. Sparks love even in the coldest heart.
  99. Queen’s Oil: Another producer of passion. Use with caution.
  100. White Rose Oil: Brings peace and harmony to life.
  101. Red Rose Oil: A special protective oil that wards off the sickening effects of any curse. Attracts love.
  102. Quick Luck Oil: Add to floor washing water to clean a house or business. Attracts friends and benefits.
  103. Trinity Oil: Indicated for success in any area of life. Use sparingly, as it is very potent.
  104. Easy Life Oil: Used to control others and to succeed in everything undertaken. Apply gently.
  105. Vigil Oil: A very powerful aphrodisiac. Use with care.
  106. Arabian Nights Oil: Attracts numerous new friends. Also makes others consider you a stimulating and extremely attractive person. Very good for potential lovers.
  107. Three Jacks Oil: Brings good luck in gambling.
  108. Nine Mysteries Oil: Excellent for overcoming all problems. Used to bless a business or house. Spray around a room.
  109. Three Horses Oil: Same effect as Three Jacks Oil.
  110. Lucky John the Conqueror Oil: A very potent love spell, also used to win at gambling.
  111. Love Oil: Brings luck in all love affairs. Makes one more attractive to the opposite sex.
  112. French Bracelet Oil: Used to increase clairvoyance power. Allows visions.
  113. Beloved Caliph Oil: A special oil indicated for awakening sexual feelings and attracting lovers. A popular aphrodisiac.
  114. Devil’s Shoelace Oil: Rub hands and face with it. Grants power over the opposite sex and luck in gambling. Can make an enemy go bankrupt.
  115. Devil Oil: An oil for curses. Thrown on an enemy to provoke quarrels and physical harm. Often makes one sick and can even cause death unless the curse is lifted.
  116. Hell’s Devil Oil: One of the best oils for casting a curse against someone. Anoint black candles with this to strengthen one’s power to do harm.
  117. Black Devil Oil: Mixed with sugar and salt, it prevents infidelity of a married man or woman. Spray their underwear while they are sleeping.
  118. Flying Devil Oil: A special Voodoo oil for overcoming the power of a potent wanga or curse. Variable results.
  119. Money Oil: Attracts fantastic amounts of money and protects the cash fortune possessed. Rub the wallet with it.
  120. Black Hawk Oil: Considered contraceptive when ingested with Red Reed Oil during the moon change.
  121. Lucky Magnet Oil: An excellent oil for achieving good fortune and turning bad luck into good.
  122. Master Oil: A popular conjuring oil used in love affairs. Also brings luck and power in all other things.
  123. Lucky Dog Oil: A help for gamblers. Rub hands before playing dice or cards. Brings financial gains.
  124. King Solomon’s Oil: Provides wisdom and intuition. Makes the user more psychic than before. Attracts wealth.
  125. Triumph Oil: A very potent oil indicated for a person to triumph in all fields and circumstances of life.
  126. Bending Oil: An oil that compels others to do whatever one desires. Provides the user with power over others. Also acts as protection against curses.
  127. Dominant Oil: A very potent oil used to make others do as they are told. They cannot disobey.
  128. Red Fast Luck Drops Oil: Same as Fast Luck Oil.
  129. Quick Cleaning Essential Oil: A special blend of thirteen oils burned with incense for good luck and success in all kinds of business.
  130. Hanna-Free Oil: A wonderful anointing oil indicated to bring good luck and fortune to believers. Use liberally when feeling depressed. Spray all corners with it.
  131. French Frangipani Oil: An oil indicated to uncover a dishonest or thieving person. Also forces a traitor to confess publicly.
  132. Irresistible Oil: Makes the user irresistible to everyone. Especially attracts the opposite sex. Use this oil with care, as it is extremely potent.
  133. Ju Ju Oil: A very powerful oil used to ward off enemies and attract friends. Very protective.
  134. La Flamme Oil: Compels a loved one to always think of the user. This love carries with it a desire for attraction and a promise of fidelity.
  135. Luv, Luv, Luv Oil: A special oily mixture to attract those who have recently been taken away by someone. Inspires love.
  136. Desire Flame Oil: An exotic perfume indicated to make one more attractive to the opposite sex. Makes others come to us. Ends resistance to love propositions.
  137. Mimosa Magic Oil: Rub the entire body with it before going to sleep. Provokes dreams that, it is said, later come true.
  138. Magnetic Oil: Attracts all kinds of good luck and love. Provides wealth and success in all endeavors.
  139. Perfumed Love Me Oil: Increases magnetism and sexual potency. Use sparingly, as it is very potent.
  140. Dixie Love Oil: A powerful attraction oil that induces a person of the opposite sex to do as we please. Inspires romance and love. Enhances all charms.
  141. Jockey Club Oil: A popular Voodoo oil indicated to remove a curse cast on the user or an intimate friend. Said to be an oil that never fails.
  142. Musk Perfumed Oil: Overcomes shyness. Helps to have confidence, determination, and self-assurance.
  143. Tar Perfumed Oil: Especially indicated to create quarrels and discord. Use only when intending to cause problems for others.
  144. Candle Perfumed Oil: Used to float wicks, usually nothing more than perfumed olive oil.
  145. Carnation Perfumed Oil: Used solely to bless the rooms where a Voodoo ceremony will be held. Also used to anoint a sick person’s head to speed recovery.
  146. Orange Flower Perfumed Oil: Used to anoint and bathe during Voodoo initiation rituals.
  147. Pink Geranium Perfumed Oil: Destroys curses. Protects against all evil spirits. Use to bless new residences.
  148. Sweet Pea Perfumed Oil: An oil indicated for someone seeking new friendships. Helps achieve a good marriage.
  149. Iris Perfumed Oil: Helps increase determination, willpower, and concentration.
  150. Jasmine Perfumed Oil: An oil said to attract a wide variety of good spirits. Brings good luck in general.
  151. Lilac Perfumed Oil: A special mixture indicated to strengthen memory and attract good spirits.
  152. Lotus Perfumed Oil: Brings good luck and a long life full of health. Also attracts love.
  153. Mandrake Perfumed Oil: Used to cast curses and protect oneself from harm.
  154. Spring Mint Perfumed Oil: Spray it in a business location. Attracts new clients.
  155. Spikenard Perfumed Oil: Provides peace of mind and happiness to those who are agitated. Helps calm nerves.
  156. Neroli Perfumed Oil: Same effect as Neroli Oil.
  157. Obeah Perfumed Oil: A very potent oil used to bless churches and Voodoo prayer rooms. Protects against evil spirits in all forms.
  158. Patchouli Perfumed Oil: A very strong Voodoo oil used to provide peace of mind and harmony in the home. Turns against the user if used to cast a curse on someone.
  159. Pyrola Perfumed Oil: Mainly used for baths or anointings during Voodoo initiation rituals. Brings luck.
  160. Rue Perfumed Oil: Another effective oil for breaking the power of the evil eye. Overcomes others‘ evil intentions.
  161. Saint Cyprian Perfumed Oil: Compels unfaithful people to stop seeing other lovers. Nullifies the effects of a lawsuit.
  162. Saint Michael Perfumed Oil: Brings luck in gambling. Mainly used for anointing during Voodoo rituals.
  163. Stephanotis Perfumed Oil: A special mixture to attract lovers and awaken passion in them. Use with great care.
  164. Tiger Perfumed Oil: Awakens a person’s psychic powers during Voodoo ceremonies.
  165. Vanilla Perfumed Oil: Brings good luck. Can be used in floor washing water. Also used to wash hands.
  166. Venus Perfumed Oil: A seductive oil used as an incentive to attract someone. Makes a person irresistible to another of the opposite sex.
  167. Verbena Perfumed Oil: Rub the body with it to prevent the evil eye or to erase a curse cast by an enemy.
  168. Vervain Perfumed Oil: Attracts prosperity and success in all forms. Especially good for business luck.
  169. Violet Perfumed Oil: An excellent oil for breaking the power of curses and driving away evil spirits. Eliminates problems that arise in any marriage.
  170. Wisteria Perfumed Oil: Attracts good spirits to a Voodoo ceremony. Rub the head and spray the floor with it.
  171. Appointment Perfumed Oil: The lovers‘ oil. Also awakens clairvoyant powers in anyone who uses it.
  172. Kings Perfumed Oil: Used to have more skill in love and to get a better job. Attracts the love of people of the opposite sex. Great changes can be expected in life when using this oil.
  173. Winner’s Circle Perfumed Oil: An excellent oil for luck in gambling. Brings copious gains to the user.
  174. Spirit Guide Perfumed Oil: Helps communicate with deceased friends. Pour on the floor.
  175. Evil Eye Perfumed Oil: A highly protective oil that helps the user expel the evil eye and harmful curses. Rub hands daily with it for seven days. This protection lasts up to a year.
  176. Power Perfumed Oil: A wonderful oil for financial gains, business luck, and new friends.
  177. Special Perfumed Oil 20: Makes a person brave. Overcomes the effects of the most potent curses. Use to prevent the evil eye.
  178. Furtive Perfumed Oil: Compels a loved one to return home after leaving with another person. Brings happiness.
  179. Voodoo Night Perfumed Oil: A perfumed oil indicated to attract others, making them unable to resist.
  180. Protective Perfumed Oil: A special oil used to nullify any type of evil eye or curse. Also protects against misfortunes.
  181. Q Perfumed Oil: A highly stimulating oil used to attract someone one ardently desires. Impossible to resist.
  182. Rosemary Perfumed Oil: Prevents feelings of hatred and overcomes fear. Used for anointing before conducting a Voodoo ritual.
  183. Van Van Perfumed Oil: Used to wash the floor and clean a room. Use before conducting a Voodoo ritual. Purifies all places.
  184. Yula Perfumed Oil: Should never be used except when wishing the death of an enemy. Its harmful effect will fall back on the user if used for other purposes.
  185. Zorba Perfumed Oil: Helps gain psychic dominance. Wonderful for achieving clairvoyant powers.
  186. Zula Zula Perfumed Oil: Used to anoint the popular Voodoo doll of death and destruction. Highly potent.
  187. Holy Oil: A special oil used to bless candles before using them in a Voodoo ritual. Very attractive.
  188. Follow Me Boy Oil: Always used to avoid a court case in court.
  189. Voodoo Oil: Very popular for blessing rooms and altars. Especially indicated for anointing an animal’s body before offering it as a sacrifice. Use with great care.



The practical application of these oils in Voodoo rituals involves anointing various parts of the body, objects, or spaces to invoke specific spiritual effects. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Anointing the Body: For personal empowerment, protection, or attraction, oils are typically applied to the pulse points (wrists, behind the ears), head, or heart area. For enhancing psychic abilities, the forehead or third eye area may be anointed.
  • Anointing Candles: In rituals, candles are often anointed with specific oils to enhance their magical potency. The oil is usually rubbed on the candle from the base to the wick while focusing on the desired outcome.
  • Purifying Spaces: Oils can be added to cleaning solutions or directly sprinkled in rooms to purify and protect the space, attract positive energies, or remove negative influences.
  • Creating Talismans: Objects such as amulets or Voodoo dolls can be anointed with oils to charge them with specific powers or intentions.


Disclaimer: It’s important to emphasize respect for closed traditions. The following information is for educational purposes only and should not be seen as a substitute for guidance from a qualified practitioner. If you’re interested in incorporating anointing oils into your spiritual practice, seeking out a teacher within a specific African tradition is highly recommended.


Here’s a basic framework for an anointing ritual you can adapt for your needs:

  1. Preparation: Gather your chosen oil, a small bowl, and a feather or your fingertip. Cleanse your space with incense or smoke cleansing. Set your intention for the anointing.
  2. Invocation (Optional): If you feel comfortable, you can call upon a deity or spirit associated with your desired outcome.
  3. Blessing the Oil: Hold the oil in your hands and visualize it being filled with positive energy. Silently recite your intention or a prayer.
  4. Anointing: Dip the feather or fingertip into the oil and apply small dabs to your forehead, crown of your head,temples, palms, or other significant points on your body. Visualize the energy of the oil flowing through you.
  5. Meditation (Optional): Spend a few moments in quiet meditation, focusing on your intention and the feeling of the oil on your skin.
  6. Closing: Express gratitude for the blessings you seek.


Healing Oil

  • Carrier Oil (e.g., olive oil, jojoba oil)
  • Chamomile flowers (known for calming properties)
  • Lavender flowers (associated with healing and peace)
  • Essential oils (a few drops) – consider frankincense (cleansing) or tea tree (antibacterial)

Protection Oil

  • Carrier Oil (e.g., grapeseed oil, coconut oil)
  • Rosemary (linked to protection and purification)
  • Black peppercorns (symbolic of warding off negativity)
  • Essential oils (a few drops) – consider clove (protective) or sage (cleansing)

Prosperity Oil

  • Carrier Oil (e.g., sweet almond oil, avocado oil)
  • Cinnamon sticks (associated with abundance and success)
  • Orange peels (linked to joy and attraction)
  • Essential oils (a few drops) – consider patchouli (prosperity) or lemongrass (fresh starts)

Remember: These are just starting points. Research the properties of different herbs, flowers, and essential oils before creating your own blends. Always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil before applying them to the skin.

Safety Note: Essential oils can be potent and may cause irritation. Perform a patch test on a small area of your skin before using any new oil blend. Consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.


The use of anointing oils in Voodoo and other African spiritual traditions is a profound practice steeped in history and mystery. Each oil carries its unique properties and powers, capable of influencing various aspects of life from health and protection to love and financial success. For those devoted to these traditions in the diaspora, understanding and utilizing these oils can enhance their spiritual practice and bring tangible benefits into their lives. As with all spiritual practices, it is essential to approach the use of these oils with respect, intention, and caution, honoring the sacred traditions from which they originate.

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